Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Fed Up

I just read a blog called Are You Fed Up where people post what they are fed up with. The posts were apparently by American country music fans responding to a song. There aren't that many posts, and most of them are complaining about gas prices and the dwindling middle class in the United States of America. I mailed in my litany of complaints to it. In case it doesn't get posted (because it certainly doesn't adhere to the main themes that are being pushed there), here it is:

I'm fed up with people who, even though they have the lowest gas prices of any industrialized nation on Earth, think they aren't low enough. I'm fed up with people who don't believe or don't care that we are changing the Earth's climate and go out to by another gas guzzling SUV. I'm fed up with people who think that they have a right or even a moral obligation to impose their values or their way of life on people living half a world away who have not asked for their help. I'm fed up with people who complain about health insurance costs but keep voting for leaders who won't provide a national health care plan. I'm fed up with people who think their religion gives them a right or a moral obligation to suppress other points of view. I'm fed up with people who think that intelligent design is science because they can't be bothered to find out for themselves what the scientific method is. I'm fed up with people in the richest nation on Earth complaining about how badly off they are while children die of starvation in the third world. And I'm fed up with people who embrace the pull-yourself-up-by-your-own-bootstraps survival-of-the-fittest winner-takes-all attitude that is foundation of their countries entire ethos and then complain about the dwindling middle class.


Anonymous said...

Thank goodness someone else has the ability to see through the "cookie cutter" rubbish that we are being spoon-fed on a daily basis.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the following article and comments in the popular US web Opednews might enlighten:

Anonymous said...

I'n fed up with people like YOU!!!!

Warren said...

By people like me I assume you mean people who actually think about the meaning and ethics of what they are doing instead of following the crowd or worrying about their own selfish interests? I understand that its frightening to many people that some of us do that. Unfortunately, I don't know how to make it less scary, any more than I know how to make the fact that so many people are willing to act on selfish interest and superstition less scary to those of us who do think things through. I was hoping maybe dialogue would help.

Anonymous said...

Just to clarify one of your “FED-UPS”…

But first let me gracefully apologize if I am misreading your intent.

“I'm fed up with people who think that they have a right or even a moral obligation to impose their values or their way of life on people living half a world away who have not asked for their help.”

I am assuming (recognized as dangerous!) you are most likely aiming at our military involvement in the Middle East with this point and I am in agreement with you. I would like to respectfully note that, though we as a country may not be responding in a manner with which all can agree, there are those on the other side of the fence that feel they DO have that right and obligation to impose their beliefs on others or even go so far as to eradicate those opposed to them. Maybe we are not responding correctly but I’m not sure what I would do. I would not, however, do nothing.

I thoroughly enjoy your BLOG.

Anonymous said...

I'm fed up with most environmentalists. I think they are anti-human, anti-progress, anti-civilisation, magical thinkers. And I say this as someone who absolutely hates the coal and oil industries for the vast amount of death and destruction they heap upon humans every year (think in terms of megadeaths). As for conservatives, right-libertarians, and god-believers, well, I think they're even worse, but for some reason I find it easier to ignore them.

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?

Anonymous said...

Very similar.